Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Poem/message: The Experience of Me and We

Mar 8th, 2008 at 2:27 pm EST

(In response to a previous Poem/Message by Sue Shields)

Sue, that is a poem well read.

I, like you, worked in the Internet Adolescence to create the Boom of the 90s. Those frenetic years that stretched like centuries where the accomplishments of a month were achieved in a week, where the work of a lifetime was the matter of lunchtime and the team never slept.

We did not require a President and First Lady to lead us tothe Gates.

We were on the path - we built it, painted the signs and carved out rest-stops and restaurants along the way - Just In Time as the people wandered, then jogged, then rushed down in a fray.

It is to question the value of all of us who spread the gravel and planted the shrubs to assume that we would not have achieved our goal had it not been for the magnanimous Few - or Two - who, deigning to gift us their wisdom granted us their permission.

We are the Experience we seek - take a peek inside and you will find that what we need is all of our MEs, and that wehave had Us all along.

To say it was Them is to take away our pride in our workand allow us to shirk the responsibilities that came with changing the world. There is no one else who did what we did nor deserves either the fame or the blame for the fallout. It is time to callout Ourselves and to stand up to our burden. We cannot allow the past or the present to remove what's unpleasant without giving up life and the joy of the future, which I, for one, plan not to squander for my son or my daughters.

Now is the time for a leader who follows, who cheers us togo where we know shows the promise of prosperity and the wealth for posterity.

Our riches are We, and we are already here.


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